All L8 licenses use the same code and libraries. You can download both the latest L8 software and the previous major version from here.
The L8 software has a built-in update mechanism, which usually offers daily updates. According to the End User License Agreement (EULA), the L8 software needs to go through an annual license renewal process. This process is automatic, and you only need to give the L8 software access to the Internet. If you miss the renewal deadline, you will see a "License outdated" message, and in-app updates will temporarily stop. Once the L8 software accesses the license server, the renewal will be performed automatically.
If you use a Community Edition license, you will receive updates and technical support for only one year. However, you can still download and install the latest version of L8, although you won't be able to use libraries built after the end of the support period.
System requirements:
-CPU Intel/AMD
-Videocard nVidia/AMD
-RAM 8+ Gb
-Windows 10,11
Equipment recommendations:
Choose a workstation or regular PC based on your business needs. L8 works well on both.
L8 is optimized for CPUs with 8 or more cores, do not use multi-processor systems.
L8 CE/2/3/4 works well on any gaming laptop.
L8 Media requires at least a good gaming graphics card.
L8 Trace - you can use two good gaming cards (multi-GPU) for an extra camera on the second monitor.
L8 Unlimited - get the best gaming graphics cards you can find, you can use up to 3 for L8 multi-GPU technology. Reserve at least 50% of the power supply and cooling capacity for a future upgrade.
Install L8 Media or higher on a 1TB+ SSD with at least 50% free space. Otherwise, you may experience limited performance when capturing shows with Video/NDI streams. An optional PCI-Ex SSD RAID-0 card may be required.
Using L8 on a Mac is possible with Windows installed via BootCamp. You can also use Parallels with L8 dongle licenses.